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Filter Cloth & Sock

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Filter Cloth & Sock

During molten aluminium production processes it is often a necessity to filter the metal to remove impurities, inclusions and dross prior to casting. The filter cloth products produced by IMS assist in removing these unwanted particles. The filer cloth range of products consists of woven glass fabrics coated with either phenolic resin or fine ceramic slurry to ensure that the product maintains its integrity during use. There are many weave styles to choose from and our technical staff are on hand to discuss your requirements.

It is important to consider the production process when selecting your fabric style. Long and/or aggressive production processes normally require 4 or 6 strand woven cloth styles whilst 3 strand woven cloth styles perform satisfactorily in standard alloy production.

Filter Sock – During the aluminum billet casting process it is advisable to filter the molten metal whilst it transitions through the launder system. A ‘filter sock’ (sometimes called a launder sock) is ideal for this application. During the casting process the filter sock is held in the launder system via ‘loops’ sewn into the filter sock, which are hung over metal fixings attached to the launder metalwork or alternatively by being inserted between two launder sections. Should the filter sock be inserted between launder sections it is necessary to have a compressible high temperature gasket sewn into a flange at the open end of the filter sock to ensure no metal leakage between the launder joints.

IMS offer filter cloths with a wide range of ‘open areas’ to accommodate all process requirements.

Foundry Filtration – During the casting process it is advisable to filter the molten metal. Filter cloth discs are ideal for this process. Due to the high risk of ‘inclusions’ causing rejects in the finished cast item it is advisable to use a filter cloth disc with an extremely low L.O.I. IMS have developed a filter cloth with less than 2.0% L.O.I for this particular process.

Consideration should be given to metal flow rate and cleanliness requirements prior to selecting filter cloth size

For further technical support or information on prices and availability please contact our Sales Team on 01704 226 878 or use the website call back service.


– Manufactured to your exact requirements
– Ease of application
– Low cost
– Improves metal quality
– Improves first time reject rate
– Reduces metal turbulance


– Launder sock/windsock filters
– Foundry filters
– Baffle bags
– Distribution bags
– Combo bags
– Spout socks
– Channel bags



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